How to create a robots.txt file in WordPress using Yoast SEO plugin

How to create a robots.txt file in WordPress using Yoast SEO plugin




Hi guys, in this article, I will discuss with you a simple method basing on the Yoast SEO plugin directives on how to create a robots.txt file for your website. Additionally, we shall do cross check to see whether there is a sitemap in our created robots.txt file.

First things first, a robots.txt file by definition refers to a text file that has instructions which tell a search engine where it is allowed to go on your website.

Here is a short story, one day one time, I created a website since I myself, I am a website developer, however, I wanted my website to rank higher in search results. Well, I published a couple of posts and waited for Google index them but nothing appeared in the search results only to find out that I had not created the robots.txt file. I therefore decided to come up with the quick steps I did follow because I thought I might help someone out there.

After you follow the steps below, your file must look like this if at all you are using the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin.


# —————————

User-agent: *


Sitemap: https://domain/sitemap_index.xml

# —————————


Steps to follow while creating a Robots.txt file in WordPress using Yoast SEO plugin.

  • Log into your WordPress Website
    After you are granted access, you will have a glance at your administrator dashboard. Cross check the installed plugins to see whether Yoast SEO plugin is installed. Well if it is not installed go ahead and install it. I will create another article on how to install the Yoast plugin.
  • You can now hover or click on the Yoast SEO in the admin menu. A sub-menu will show up, then click on tools.
robots.txt file
  • Now click on the File editor as shown in the screenshot below.
  • Almost there, go ahead and click on the create robots.txt file button
  • Congratulations, you have successfully created the file, now refer to the above piece of code and see whether your file code matches with the one I did provide earlier in this video.

In conclusion, that is how you can simply create a robots.txt file for your website in-order for google to index your blog posts. If you are having any problems creating one, contact us for any help, thank you.

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